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International Women’s Day: To All The Women With Ambition.

This International Women’s Day #BalanceForBetter

Balance is not a women’s issue, it’s a business issue. Gender balance is essential for economies and communities to thrive. Collective action and shared responsibility for driving a gender-balanced world is key. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender balance.

Hear it from these wonderful female entrepreneurs who are balancing the ecosystem making the world a better place to live.

MARWA AL MANSOORI –  Founder, Malena App

My Name is Marwa Al Mansoori an Emirati – a woman with a vision and an entrepreneur with a Mission. By Stating this in my everyday life I have realized as an individual that in this diverse world we should always create a clear goal and input drive and commitment which will take us anywhere we want.

You may doubt yourself sometimes but being a woman is not that complicated as labelled stereo-typically – if you are a woman you need to perceive that you have a valuable meaning in your existence .

Marwah Al Mansoori, CEO and Founder of Malena

When I started up my company Malena App I did not think twice because – a gap existed and a self-visualized solution was created which is an innovative app-based market place for the aesthetic and medical cosmetology industry dovetailed with the UAE strategy of medical tourism which can enhance the economic stability.

Entering this journey was challenging , not because I was a woman but because there is no one by my side committed in making this vision happen with me – which was digitizing the aesthetic industry.

I pursued my vision by creating Malena as a pioneer solution to the aesthetic industry. I showcased my strategy to sell to others, backing it up with real facts that were specified and hence this classified Malena as the future of the aesthetic , dental and plastic surgery industry.

Woman are inspiration behind all that happened and we are the pillars of strength to many people around us. Who was I to be scared of challenge?
I took that challenge with my open arms and after one year here I am, exploring ways to reach out to the youth , woman and individuals having a dream . Stating that anything is possible if you have a goal , drive and commitment .

Let us celebrate today not only because we are women leading different industries but because we are sisters having a hand ready to help others, mothers with a big heart to share and guide, warriors that will face any challenge with solid grounds and commitment.

ZAINA KANAAN – Cofounder, ChariCycles.

Zaina Kanaan, Cofounder of ChariCycles

The biggest gift we’ve been given as humans is an internal compass, our gut. It’s the gut feeling that is always right and yet we constantly battle to suppress it. Life is too short. So, if it feels right then do it.

RANIA KANAAN- Cofounder, ChariCycles.

Rania Kanaan, cofounder of ChariCycles

People will tell you it won’t work. People will even tell you you will fail. Don’t let that be what stops you from doing something you believe in or failing at something you believe in. It’s going to be a long and hard journey, and out of everything you need, belief will irrespective be the most important thing.

JOY AJLOUNY- Cofounder, Fetchr.

Joy Ajlouny- Cofounder of Fetchr

My biggest advice for women is to not take no for an answer and know your self-worth. Rejection is a huge part of the business and the most important thing is to not take it personally.

Taking things personally can hold you back in business. I believe in having no shame. If someone tells, “I’m not interested!”, you still show up the next day with a smile and try again.

Persistence is the key.

It is definitely, undoubtedly tough being a woman in business and everyone will speak of equality but it’s simply not true. It’s a mans world, so you need to be smarter, harder working and more determined than anyone else.

To be heard and to be recognized for your achievements is very important and priceless. So, speak up for what you want and what you deserve because no one else will.

ALREEM AL AMMARI- Founder , Baqaah

Alreem Al Ammari, Founder of Baqaah

One thing I learned is that everything is possible. As cliche as it sounds, there’s not one problem that does not have a solution or no one has experienced before. That’s the only thing that keeps me going!

‘I hope every year, you are stronger! – #IWD2019
Let’s work together to achieve 
#BalanceForBetter. 😀