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Eat Clean Me makes you never fall of the healthy wagon again

UAE based startup, Eat Clean Me, has made eating healthy a whole lot easier.

Healthy Angus Beef Stroganoff with Mixed Quinoa
Healthy Made Easy 😉

Eat Clean Me is a dedicated platform to health and wellness, concentrating Dubai’s healthiest food outlets under one channel to be easily accessible by consumers.

With its newly launched tech savvy meal plan ordering system, Eat Clean took one step further into personalizing and simplifying the consumer’s journey to stay healthy.

What made you start ‘Eat Clean Me’ – a personal passion, a problem you identified, or a market opportunity?

In the health and fitness space we’ve always been really passionate and active. And wanted to start a concept that would help people reach their health goals and simplify their journey.

What was the hardest thing about raising funding?

We are a self-funded business until now, for the past 2 years.

How does ‘Eat Clean Me’ differ from existing concepts of ‘healthy eating’ already available in the market?

Eat Clean Me is the synonym to Health. It’s absolutely dedicated to the concept of eating healthy.

Healthy Vegan Quinoa Apple Cranberry & Agave Grapefruit
Healthy Meals easy to order and get delivered to your door

How do you handpick food items and provide nutritional information for each item? Do you have a team of nutritionists for this?

The nutritionist screens the menu’s first and then uploads them onto the platform.

Furthermore, our meal plan recipes have all been screened by our nutritionist and tailored to accommodate different needs (high protein, low carb, vegan, etc.) of the consumer in order to stay healthy.

What are your expansion plans for the business?

Order healthy food

We are planning to expand to other cities around the world, more details to be shared soon!

Did you ever wanted to give up or felt like your concept ‘eating healthy’ was failing?

Healthy natural vegan energy bars

As an entrepreneur, the emotional roller coaster is something you sign up for automatically.

There are ups and downs like anything else in life, but as long as you are passionate about your vision and purpose, then you will keep pushing no matter what. 

Give us your advice for aspiring food entrepreneurs?.

The most important thing in any business is to make sure that your idea adds real value to the user, whether it’s a service, a product, a tech solution or anything else.

Being passionate about the idea is not enough, and sometimes you can get blinded by that passion; the way to avoid this is to start with a clear exercise including business modeling, financial modeling and listing USPs. Of course not to mention, making sure you are filling a clear gap in the market 🙂

Healthy Meal Plans

Download the app now, to have healthy food right at your fingertips!!